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My Story

Growing up, one of my greatest struggles was finding my own identity, especially when my identity was often clumped together with that of my identical twin sister--someone I had basically shared my entire life with. 

As I made my way through life, I've learned a lot, grown a lot and started picking up on things that made me me. The aggregation of all my life years to this point now serve as my own personal brand--a unique culmination of my personality, experiences, expertise and competencies. 

My personal brand is something that changes as I change, and this has blossomed into something I wanted to build my career out of. Creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that create value has been some of the initial draws of marketing to me. Feel free to read more about my personal brand below, or navigate to the other pages to read about my professional work in marketing.


To this day, I have had the pleasure of visiting 14 US states and 14 countries around the world. 


Traveling around the world has reinforced the importance of a global perspective for me, and I hope to one day challenge myself to live abroad. 


Music plays a big part in my life (78,295 minutes recorded on my 2021 Spotify Wrapped!) and I always have the right music for whatever mood I'm in. 

With my passion for music, live music has also become one of my favorite pastimes and something that I love enjoying with friends. There's just something so inspiring about the passion of musicians!


Some of the hobbies that I've picked up recently are painting and podcasts--not actual painting though, I just use the paint-by-the-number kits haha. 

My favorite genres of podcasts are tech, culture, and true crime and I've truly learned so much about society through these gems!


Another one of my favorite pastimes is hiking! Despite having no athletic capability, hiking is just the right amount of relaxation, physical exertion, and time away from electronics. 

One of my favorite hikes I've ever done is definitely Table Mountain in South Africa. Granted, I died during the hike but it was very very rewarding. 


If you were to ask anyone that knew me what food item represented me, everyone would say boba. Not only is it delicious, but it's also become a social activity for me to get boba with friends!

I definitely blame my Taiwanese blood for this small addiction! 😂

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